El Diplomado en Empresas Turísticas ofrece al alumnado los conocimientos y les enseña a utilizar los recursos necesarios para pdoerdiseñar políticas y estrategias que impulsen el desarrollo de las Empresas Turísticas, identificando las oportunidades de negocio, así como los requerimientos administra... Universidad Tecnológica de México (UNITEC)
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Tourism is a diverse and forward-looking industry that plays an important economic role in almost every country in the world. Experts predict another 70 million jobs over the next decade with a wealth of exciting career opportunities around the world. In Tourism Management you will get to know all a... IUBH University of Applied Sciences
Más de 10,000 $
eople are becoming ever more mobile and more adventurous. That makes tourism one of the world' most booming industries. Experts predict 70 million new jobs in the next ten years. In our Tourism Management degree programme, you will get to know all aspects of this dynamic and customer-oriented indust... IUBH University of Applied Sciences
Más de 10,000 $
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